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Copyright ©2025 Punjab Provincial Assembly, Government of The Punjab
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(1) These Rules may be called "The Punjab Provincial Assembly Library Rules 2005 ".
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.- In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-
(a) 'Member' means a Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab;
(b) 'Reference Book' means a book to be consulted to find information and includes dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlases, maps, almanacs, gazettes, year books, PLDs, AIRs, rare books, books comprising more than one volume and any other book which the Librarian may declare to be a Reference Book;
(c) 'Secretary' means Secretary of the Assembly and includes any person for the time being performing the duties of the Secretary;
(d) 'User' means a user of the Library under these Rules including a Member.
3. Library Timing.- (i) The Library shall remain open during office hours as may be notified by the Punjab Assembly Secretariat from time to time;
(ii) On days on which the Assembly is in Session, the Library shall remain open till the Session is adjourned.
4. Library User.- The Assembly Library shall be exclusively meant for the use of Members and Secretary/Additional Secretary of Assembly Secretariat, provided that:-
(I) Secretaries and Additional Secretaries to Government of the Punjab and former Members of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab may be allowed to consult the Library during office hours but they will not be entitled to borrow the books and publications from the Library; and
(ii) Post-Graduate students, on the recommendation of Heads of the Institutions concerned and Research Scholars may be allowed to consult the Library during off Session days with the prior permission of Honourable Speaker.
5. Loan period.- A Member may borrow three books at a time for a period not exceeding 15 days, grace of fifteen days may also be given to the borrower.
6. Reference Books.- A reference book shall not be allowed to be taken out of the Assembly premises and all reference books shall be stamped as "Reference Book ? not to be issued by the Librarian".
7. Recall a Book.- If a book already issued on loan is required for any important or urgent purpose, the Librarian may recall it at any time and such a book shall be returned by the User immediately.
8. Issue Register.- A Loan Register shall be maintained for issue of books to the Members who at the time of borrowing the books shall sign the relevant entry in the Loan Register. At the time of return of books, the Member shall satisfy himself that the same have been struck off from the said register.
9. Re-issuance of a book.- No additional book/publication may be issued to a defaulter user till the outstanding book/publication is returned. Books may be got re-issued, if there is no demand for the same from other users. For this purpose, the books shall be returned at the counter and got re-issued within the original loan period.
10. Reminder for return of the Book.- After the expiry of loan period, the Librarian shall issue reminder regularly for return of the book.
11. Recovery from the User.- If a book or other publication is not returned to the Library within a period of three months from the date of its issue, the same shall be presumed to have been lost and thereafter necessary recovery at source shall be started.
12. Prohibition.- Marking of any kind, underlining and writing on a book is strictly prohibited.
13. Responsibility of a User.- The user who borrows a book will be responsible for any injury or damage to the book on loan with him/her and Librarian may call upon the user either to replace the book or pay for the damage.
14. Suggestion Book.- A suggestion book shall be kept in the Library in which the Members/Users may record their suggestions, if any. The Librarian shall, from time to time, bring to the notice of the Secretary the suggestions made by the Members/Users.
15. Silence.- Users shall observe complete silence in the Library.
16. Smoking etc.- Smoking, taking of meals and refreshments is forbidden in all parts of the Library.
17. Repeal: The existing Rules for the Punjab Assembly Library are hereby repealed.